Longitudinal Changes in Measured Glomerular Filtration Rate, Renal Fibrosis and Biomarkers in a Rat Model of Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy

Su Z. · Widomski D. · Ma J. · Namovic M. · Nikkel A. · Leys L. · Olson L. · Salte K. ·Donnelly-Roberts D. · Esbenshade T. · McGaraughty S., “Longitudinal Changes in Measured Glomerular Filtration Rate”, Renal Fibrosis and Biomarkers in a Rat Model of Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy Renal Discovery, AbbVie, North Chicago, Ill., USA, Am J Nephrol 2016;44:339-353 / DOI:10.1159/000449324 Full PDF is available at: http://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/449324